Posts tagged healing
Why Forgiveness Is So Hard

No matter who you ask, you will find that the majority of society would say that they have at one point or another made mistakes, hurt others, or committed wrong acts that negatively affected another person in such a way that caused hurt, pain, suffering, trauma, a feeling of injustice or degradation. Because this is such a pervasive reality that occurs with human relationships on a macro and micro level; it is up to each and everyone of us to determine how we respond to such hurt when it happens to us.

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Dashboard Jesus

I feel that I am just beginning this transition into the “second half” of life earlier than I expected. Yet, in finding that I have shed much of my identity that I developed in the “first half”, I’ve gone from the crisis phase to an embracing phase which is much more comforting.

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A Happy New Year Begins With YOU

Yes, another year has rolled into the annuals of history and a new one has arrived after much anticipation. 

We always look forward to a new year because we see it as a new opportunity to make wrong, right. To make suffering, victory. To make resentment and bitterness, freedom and blissfulness. 

Basically, a new year means change can happen. It’s the hope that things don’t have to stay the way they are but that things can get better. A new year means new opportunities, new movements, new moments.  

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