Peace in the Midst of a Pandemic

Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash

Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash

The whole world is watching as we find ourselves in the middle of one of the worst pandemics in years.

The latest strain of the Coronavirus, COVID-19, has been spreading in large numbers in almost every country in the world since first outbreak occurred some two to three months ago.

At first, as a United States citizen, I didn’t concern myself with what was going on half-way around the world and deluded myself into thinking that it couldn’t affect me or come close to where I am living. I think we all do this game of denial from time to time to cope with the harsh realities of difficult changes and developments. But when it started spreading in the Pacific Northwest of the USA, it focused my interest but I still didn’t think it would come near me. Then when the first two cases in Georgia where reported, I knew I could no longer live in denial.

I had to accept the fact that COVID-19 was here and that it was a reality I needed to take seriously. I needed to take precautions. I needed to make sure that I didn’t affect and possibly harm anyone I love to the best of my ability with the knowledge I currently have.

I grieve for the thousands who have lost their lives so far to this disease and lift up in my thoughts those families affected by such great loss. I pray for those who currently have the disease that they will receive quality treatment and care and be in good health once again. I remember those who are having to quarantine with their families, those who are quarantined alone, those unable to work because of the spread of the disease, and those who have to work because of the disease and in the process put their health out on the line.

I pray for all of us. I pray that we will stop the spread of the disease by being responsible and taking proper action. I pray we stop the spread of misinformation, refrain from over-politicizing, and find it in our sleeves to remember those less fortunate than us and find ways to be more loving, more charitable, and more accommodating.

So how do we find peace during these trying times?

We need to take seriously the reality of the situation

It’s very easy to underestimate the severity of a situation that potentially has devasting consequences because our minds don’t want to accept that something bad is happening around us and can potentially affect us and those we care for. Seeing many downplay the reality of the Coronavirus makes me sad because the spread of misinformation is what is causing the spread of the disease in the first place. Seeing people continue to gather in large crowds, people not taking seriously social distancing, people not engaging in self-quarantine if they show symptoms, people not practicing appropriate hygiene guidelines: these are the things that are easily causing the issues we are seeing right now. We need to do better. We need to accept that this is happening. It will affect us and those we know, and we need to engage in responsible action for the sake of ourselves and each other.

We need to take seriously the need to engage in good self-care

Many times we forget that we need to remember to take care of ourselves because we have so many other things and other people we concern ourselves with. Much of this is justified but it does us no good to let ourselves fall apart and the expense of others, because if we fall apart we can no longer do the good work of helping others. Good self-care in this situation means taking the precautions previously stated and to remember to put yourself first at times throughout the day. Ask for help if you need it. Don’t be ashamed if you need something. We are all in this together.

We need to take seriously the need to utilize our spirituality

Whether you are a spiritual person or not, we all could use a little introspection (what I like to call soul care) and engage in practices that we find comfort and peace in. Whether that is reading sacred text, prayer, meditation, deep breathing, exercise, silence and solitude, journaling, conversations with loved ones, or a host of other things; we need to find time to release any anxiety, fears, or worries we have and allow ourselves to feel the love we find in our beliefs and values about God and how God relates to us. Even if you don’t believe or engage with a particular faith or spiritual system, you too can find deep meaning in taking moments in your day to engage in whatever sparks joy in your life.

So remember, I know and understand deeply the real fears, anxieties, and pain we can feel when something as serious as a pandemic is happening all around us. Remember that it is valid and perfectly acceptable for you to feel whatever you are feeling right now. My hope is that you listen to your life, that you feel deeply what is going on in the very depths of your soul, and that you will find calm, peace, and serenity in knowing that all shall be well. Take seriously that situation that is happening, take proper precautions, and take proper care through your spiritual practices or self-care routines; along with of course making sure you are well physically.

We will get through this.

SocietyRyan Mulkowsky